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How Our Business Consultancy Firm Helped a Nonprofit Organization Achieve Long-Term Sustainability

Project type

Business Consulting


Duluth, GA

Background: Our business consultancy firm was hired by a nonprofit organization struggling to maintain long-term sustainability due to increased competition for funding and changing donor preferences.

Approach: Our team conducted a thorough analysis of the organization's financials, operations, and fundraising strategies. We identified several areas for improvement, including diversifying revenue streams and improving donor engagement and retention.

Solution: We developed a holistic plan that included several key initiatives, including implementing digital fundraising strategies, launching a new fundraising campaign, and revamping the organization's volunteer management program.

Results: After implementing our recommendations, the organization saw a significant improvement in their financial sustainability, with an increase in both individual and corporate donations. In addition, the organization was able to retain and engage more donors, expand its volunteer base, and strengthen its brand reputation.

- Implementation of digital fundraising strategies resulted in a 25% increase in online donations.

- Launch of new fundraising campaign resulted in a 15% increase in individual donations.

- Revamped volunteer management program resulted in a 20% increase in volunteer engagement and retention.

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